Sunday, May 18, 2014

Two Months Post-op and Happy 1st Birthday!

Today is Field's two month cranioversary. I still am in disbelief at how quickly and smoothly his recovery process has been and praise God for His unfailing love and mercy!!! Field has not missed a beat..he is climbing and crawling everywhere, pulling up, walking behind his push toys and getting into EVERYTHING. He loves climbing up the stairs, opening cabinets and pulling everything out, unrolling toilet paper off the roll, trying to put his toys in his dirty diaper pail, trying to lift up the toilet lid and drop things in, playing in the dog's food and water bowls, pressing all the buttons on the tv remote...he definitely keeps us on our toes, but we are just so grateful that he is happy and healthy and that his development is right on track!

Field also turned one last Saturday, and we had a wonderful weekend celebrating with friends and family. Since Field loved riding in the little red wagons at the hospital so much, we decided to have a red-wagon-themed birthday party. He LOVED his smash cake..I think he would have sat there and eaten the whole thing if we let him! He also loved tearing into the wrapping paper on his gifts and has had so much fun playing with his new toys this week. We've been going on wagon rides around the neighborhood everyday and swinging in his new swing on the back porch in the afternoons when daddy gets home from work.

I'll leave you with some pictures from his birthday weekend and Mother's Day. It's so hard to believe that last year on Mother's Day, we were just getting home from the hospital with our two-day-old son..little did we know how our lives would change in just one year. And it has been the best year yet!

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